Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Coffee Please!

So you ever have those days that you just need your coffee to get you started? Well this is one of those days. Every time my son wakes up more than once at night, I'm a wreck the next day. Last night I can attribute to our 11pm, 2am, and 5am screaming bouts to teething. I feel awful for him, and you know he's struggling when the baby oragel, works for twenty minutes then wears right out. But now this morning driving to work I feel awful for me. Alone in my car, the radio on (but i'm not listening) my car is making its way to the closest coffee place. This at least will jump start my day. Being a normally energetic person, its rare for me to be sluggish and tired. But today is the exception. My body is so tired it aches....but i'm in good spirit so that's good. Also on my mind is my sons family party this weekend, that I'm only half prepped for. We have around 40 people coming over and I was planning an outdoor party for everyone. But with the turn in the weather this week and the surprise snow fall yesterday, i'm rethinking my plans. Can you have grilled hots and hamburgers for an indoor party? Why not right! Now I just have to think about sides, apps and snacks.... not too much! I';m relieved to know that I already bought the decorations a couple of weeks ago on a whim. Thank goodness I did because I have no time this week. My husband has three games plus a tournament to coach in, the house needs to be party clean, food prepped (obviously the day before), presents wrapped, cake picked up, drinks bought.... Too much to do... and all i really want is my coffee.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Falling into bed

By the end of the week, I am completely spent! Its a good thing that I have a great support system around me. I find that even with a support system there is always something that gets missed or is lacking. Its everything from time for myself, chores around the house, my career, and or any sort of quality time with my husband and I. Something is always lacking. I know we are in some tough years right now with the kids ages being 3 years and 11 months, but a small break to get my eye brows waxed is desperately needed. Some of the issue is the guilt of time away from my kids because I am a full time working mother. I truly believe you don't fully understand this unless your doing it! My evening tonight was compiled of rushing out of work so I can get to our Nanny's house on time. Packing the two kids up and running over to support my husbands baseball game in the some what decent weather we got today. It was the first time my son got to see a high school game, and my daughter was thrilled to be outside picking flowers cheering for daddy at the top of her lunges! After three innings the breeze was cooling off so we packed up to head home, to continue our routine of dinner bath, bed, then bedtime routine.. the usual! And all I can think of is Thank you so much for Saturday!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, Fun day ?

Well here we are..... the beginning of the week again! Yes its Monday, but preparations for the week happen long before monday morning at 8am when I start work. I'm not sure whats on your list of things to do in your head, but here's what goes through mine on my weekends. Quality time with the kids, just enjoying them since I feel guilty always having to work, I always try to do some special activity. (I'm a big believer in getting kids active and moving.) The house by Friday looks like a tornado has blasted through it, so cleaning is very necessary. The dreaded grocery store trip, since our cupboards are normally bare by the weekend. Planning of the weeks dinner's, or at least have an idea of what I can cook that's healthy. My laundry by Saturday is overflowing as well, so that ends up on the list somewhere between the cleaning. And this is terrible to admit, but sometimes I get everything washed dried and into the basket and they never make it into our drawers for a couple days or the next week. I just feel like there is never enough time in the day. The only thing I ask is to squeeze in a run or two. This is what keeps me sane. The ability to plug my ear phones in and just run is a great feeling. Makes me a new person. I wonder what activities other moms do that keep them sane?
Once all that's done I'm ready to tackle the week mentally! And its going to be a busy one.
Go Get EM'

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Working World v.s The Mom

I'm excited to start this blog and be able to share my experiences as a full time working mom with the world. I know with the growing need of having two incomes in a family how this issue hits home to a lot of women. Hopefully my personal experiences and trials and tribulations will help others just get through the week.
On a side note: this week has been one to put into the books for our household. This was the first time that all four of my family members (this is including me) were sick all at the same time. Both my husband and I trying to still work and juggle the kiddos sick was a challenge in its self. After our bedtime routine and both kiddos fast asleep finally we fell into bed to start it all over again in the morning. (well at least for my husband, for me I still have to get up for my youngest feeding time at night.) But some how we survived! I'm sure we lost some part of our sanity this week to lack of sleep, or energy!